Attendees Guide to Monthly Club Meetings
Dear Flyer / Attendee,
We are looking forward to welcoming back to Midland Rocketry Club. Please note that all meetings are subject to current UK Governmnt Covid policy and our National Governing Body the British Model Flying Association (BMFA) guidlines.
Please read all of this document
Due to the ongoing situation with the COVID-19 pandemic and to enable the event to go ahead we are implementing a number of measures to ensure we are compliant with COVID-19 secure requirements.
The safety and wellbeing of all attendee’s is our top priority.
Please note:
Certification flights or First-time flyer/mentor flights are allowed. However, you must wear a mask while interating with the Cert officer and RSO.
If you or anyone in your household has any of the symptoms of COVID-19 you must stay away. The main symptoms are:
- A high temperature
- A new continuous cough
- A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
You must also stay at home if you have experienced COVID-19 symptoms in the past 14 days, have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14-days, or have had contact with a known or suspected COVID-19 case.
Please check and ensure there are no restrictions on you travelling from your area before setting off.
Attending the Event:
Whether you are flying or spectating you are most welcome. However, part of the conditions of you/your family bubble attendance to Midland Rocketry is that you must comply with our Covid policy. Social distancing must be maintained at all times. All Spectators and Flyers need to stay in the spectator area or the car park unless they are flying at that moment. Flyers and Spectators must not wander around the farm, flight area or mix outside of their bubble.
People violating these rules may be reminded of their obligations and/or asked to leave.
On arrival:
Please ensure you are wearing face masks while at flight registration and other close contact points. We are operating a track & trace record keeping. On arrival at flight registration please immediately Use the QR reader and log in and complete all sections, this will provide us with the information we are required to gather to meet our COVID secure responsibilities and enable us to track and trace if required. We will then continue with the remaining booking in process at reception. Please note: If you or anyone in your party becomes ill with any of the recognised COVID-19 symptoms (while onsite or within 14 days afterwards) please contact me immediately on 07415 698420.
Club membership subs are now due and event registration/payment:
If possible please pay via PayPal friends & family to We can take cash but want it to be minimal handling for Covid 19 to be transferred.
(Please ensure you are wearing mask/s) to complete the booking in process.
Hand Sanitizer/ disinfectant:
There are hand sanitizer / disinfectant located at Flight reg, Flight line and Pad line. Please use them when using our facilities.
Personal PPE:
It is a condition of your attendance that you bring enough hand sanitizer and facemasks for all members of your bubble for the period of time to attend the event, plus rubbish bags (all your rubbish and recycling must be taken away by you)
As our activities take place outdoors, facemasks are optional outdoors where distances are greater than 2 metres between bubbles. However, social distancing must be maintained with anyone from outside of your household at all times whether outdoors or inside.
We are aiming to have a relaxed club meet (please see FB and Website for further details/Updates)
We would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation and following the above guidance.
Kind Regards
Paul Carter
MRC Chairman & Organiser
07415 698420